Monday, September 3, 2012

Cast iron skillet

James and I purchased a cast iron skillet from the new Sur La Table in Towson (an awesome kitchen gadget store) a mere 24 hours ago and have already used it three times!

We have used it to made dinner (Chinese food from Trader Joe's), blueberry cobbler (top photo) and a potato hash for breakfast (bottom photo).

The blueberry cobbler recipe is from Cooking for Seven (a cooking blog site James found which I'm looking forward to exploring) and the potato hash is from Smitten Kitchen (a favorite foodie site). Both are scrumptious dishes and I think turned out particularly awesome because of the skillet.

The cobbler reminded me of a peach dessert we had at Woodberry Kitchen earlier this summer (see my Aug. 26 post), also cooked in a skillet. We made the dessert on a whim, so we only had about half of the blueberries that the recipe called for, but it still turned out well. The crumble on top was made with ground cinnamon, which added that little something extra to the dessert.

The potato hash - bacon, potatoes, corn and an egg - was hearty but not too over-the-top heavy. The bacon was flavorful and infused the entire dish. The potatoes were crispy, thanks to the skillet.

We're planning to make pancakes in the skillet next weekend - looking forward to that treat!