Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Grano, two locations

About a month ago now (I'm so behind!) James and I went out with another couple for dinner at Grano Emporio (3547 Chestnut Ave.) and a couple of weeks ago we went out with another couple to Grano Pasta Bar (1031 West 36th St.). Grano Pasta Bar was the original - it's sort of a hole-in-the-wall, but intimate, cozy and warm and BYOB!! - and Grano Emporio is much, much larger.

Both meals were great, but I prefered the Grano Pasta Bar dinner - you build your own meal. I enjoyed a steaming hot bowl of their homemade pasta and meat sauce, which was fantastic and melt-in-your-mouth. And you really can't beat BYOB!
The service was excellent, too (very happy, pleasant people).

Grano Emporio was also good - I had spaghetti and meatballs which was served in separate dishes. But, I recommend the pasta bar for cozy and intimate dining experience!

I must remember to bring my camera!!